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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Suns lose to Nugs

I really like to write about the Suns. I could easily do this for a living. Can someone please discover my incredible gift, here? Thank you. I could use some extra $! The Suns blew it last night. It was a hard fought game, wasn't from lack of effort thats for sure. But the Suns lost the game down the stretch. I hate it when that happens. Oh crud... I hate it when Arizona manufactured homes don't get the props they deserve! I forget to say my key words once I get going.... one more manufactured home, please. Good. Anyway, it was anyone's game in the last 2 minutes- the difference? Denver executed, Suns did not. End of story. This is the eck man reporting live for Arizona manufactured homes. Good day...

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Fun in the sun!